Breast cancer is a prevalent concern for women, but here at Western Surgical Care, we’re committed to staying at the forefront of innovative treatments and technologies. While it continues to impact many women (an estimated 2.3 million diagnosed globally in 2022), ongoing advancements offer hope for a brighter future.

Available Breast Cancer Treatments Today

Breast cancer treatment today encompasses a multifaceted approach involving surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy. Each modality plays a vital role in combating the disease, often utilized in combination to achieve optimal outcomes.

Breast Cancer Surgery

Breast cancer surgery serves as the primary intervention, aiming to remove cancerous tissue from the breast. Surgical options include lumpectomy, which involves removing the tumor and a margin of surrounding tissue, and mastectomy, wherein the entire breast is excised. The choice of surgical procedure depends on various factors such as tumor size, stage, and patient preference.

Radiation Therapy

Following surgery, radiation therapy is frequently employed to target residual cancer cells and minimize the risk of recurrence. High-energy rays or particles are directed at the affected area, effectively destroying cancerous cells. Although side effects such as skin changes and fatigue may occur, they are typically transient and manageable.


Chemotherapy entails the administration of potent drugs to eradicate cancer cells or impede their growth and division. It can be administered either before surgery (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) to shrink tumors or after surgery (adjuvant chemotherapy) to eliminate residual cancer cells. Chemotherapy is particularly recommended for aggressive forms of breast cancer and may be combined with other treatment modalities for enhanced efficacy.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is a breast cancer treatment for hormone receptor-positive breast cancers, which rely on estrogen or progesterone for growth. Drugs such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors work by blocking hormone receptors, thereby inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. Despite its efficacy, hormone therapy may be associated with side effects including menopausal symptoms, blood clotting risk, and bone density loss.

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy represents a precision approach to cancer treatment, focusing on specific molecular abnormalities characteristic of cancer cells. Examples include HER2 inhibitors for cancers overexpressing the HER2 protein. Unlike conventional chemotherapy, targeted therapies are designed to selectively target cancer cells, thereby minimizing damage to healthy tissue and reducing adverse effects.

Where Breast Cancer Treatment Is Heading: Advancements in Early Detection

Early detection remains paramount to improving breast cancer outcomes, facilitating timely intervention and treatment initiation. While mammography remains the gold standard for breast cancer screening, ongoing research seeks to enhance existing screening modalities and explore novel approaches.

Three-Dimensional Mammography (Tomosynthesis)

Three-dimensional mammography, also known as breast tomosynthesis, represents a significant technological advancement in breast imaging. By capturing images from multiple angles around the breast, tomosynthesis generates a three-dimensional reconstruction, potentially enhancing cancer detection rates. Despite its promise, further research is needed to ascertain its superiority over conventional two-dimensional mammography.

MRI and Ultrasound

While mammography remains the primary screening tool, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound are valuable adjuncts, particularly in high-risk populations or cases where mammography may be inconclusive. These modalities offer additional information and aid in the detection of breast abnormalities.

Risk-Based Screening

Current research is moving beyond general screening methods for breast cancer by developing personalized strategies. Studies like the WISDOM project are working to customize how often women get screened. This is based on each woman’s unique risk, considering things like genetics, family history, and how they live. This approach aims to make breast cancer screening more effective and individualized.

Breast Cancer Survivorship Research

Lately, more attention is being given to the specific needs of breast cancer survivors. Research funded by groups like the National Cancer Institute is examining survivorship areas such as physical health, emotional state, mental clarity, and financial effects. There’s also a focus on understanding differences in how survivors recover, the importance of caregivers, and the best ways to provide care. The goal is to improve the long-term health and well-being of survivors.

Clinical Trials and Future Directions

Clinical trials represent translational research that drives innovation and shapes the future of breast cancer treatment. These trials, sponsored by entities like the NCI, aim to evaluate novel therapeutic agents, treatment combinations, and preventive strategies. By participating in clinical trials, patients not only gain access to cutting-edge treatments but also contribute to the advancement of medical science and the improvement of patient care.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Breast cancer treatment has progressed significantly, but the fight continues. Here at Western Surgical Care, we believe in a collaborative approach—researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, and support groups working together. Our aim? A future where breast cancer is not only treatable but preventable, saving countless lives.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you have questions or concerns about breast cancer, contact Western Surgical Care today. We’re dedicated to providing personalized care and guiding you through every step of your journey.