Gastroesophageal Reflux Surgery Lone Tree

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (or GERD) occurs when there is a back-flow of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus which causes unwanted symptoms and can even cause esophageal damage. People who suffer from GERD most commonly experience heartburn in the middle of their upper abdomen to lower chest region. Some GERD sufferers may also experience regurgitation of fluid or difficulty swallowing. In atypical cases, GERD sufferers may even experiences asthma, wheezing, chronic cough, sore throat, or horseneess. GERD develops due to an error in the mechanical function of ther lower esophageal sphincter which is the ring of muscle that goes around the esophagus and stomach like a valve. When this mechanism is functioning correctly the valve will open to permit food passing into the stomach, and then the valve will close to keep the contents of the stomach from coming back up into the esophagus. People who suffer from GERD are experiencing the failure of this valve to close and keep the contents in the stomach. While GERD may develop for unknown reasons in some people, there are some factors that are known to contribute to the development of this disease such as obesity, alcohol use, smoking, drinking carbonated beverages such as soda, eating a diet that is high in fat, and having a hiatal hernia.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Surgery may be performed to correct this mechanical error through either a Trans-oral Incisionless Fundoplication (or TIF procedure), or with a Nissen Fundoplication LINK Anti-reflux Procedure. To learn more about GERD and Gastroesophageal Reflux Surgery, contact our office today.